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2015 Champion Jordon Antone

Returning to school often a juggling act for older students

Jordon Antone HB Juggling family and other responsibilities is a considerable challenge for mature students.

Jordon Antone, a mother of four, was able to co-ordinate employment, schoolwork, childcare, child access arrangements and many other tasks so she could earn her high school diploma at age 26.

“Although she had a lot to balance, she stayed committed,” said Karen Zimmerman of Ontario Works, who nominated Jordon as an Education WORKS Champion.

“It was often a challenge to get older kids to school and younger ones to daycare. She was often going in different directions to get children to appropriate places, then herself to school. She had several schedules to follow for her kids. This was difficult to follow and keep up with her own schoolwork.”

Jordon left high school before graduating and had her first child when she was 20. She attempted to return to school when the child was about six months old, but was unsuccessful.

About four years later, she completed LEAP, the Learning, Earning and Parenting program, receiving assistance with childcare expenses, transportation and school-related items.

“Jordon is a positive example for single moms in receipt of Ontario Works assistance,” said Karen. “She had a lot of struggles as a single mom, but she was always looking for solutions, while keeping the best interest of her children in mind.”

Photo by Brian Thompson, Brantford Expositor